Adult Ministries

Next Chapter
1:00 pm-2:30 pm, every second Thursday of the month, Upper Room
Originally called “Recently Retired Women,” this group now includes all church women entering a new chapter in their lives. Fun meetings and outings, sometimes spontaneous. To get on the mailing list, contact Judi Geake.
Memoir Writing
1:00 pm, second Tuesday of each month, church library
Get your family stories down on paper, then share them with others in the group. Bring your friends!
Contact Judi Geake
Mens Fellowship
8:30 am first three Saturdays of each month in the Prayer Room
Discussion and fellowship, welcoming all church men.
Womens Bible Study- Resuming in September
Join us as we go through a book study entitled Women of the Bible Speak led by Judi Geake. Judi is excited to be with us this fall while Pastor Jen is on sabbatical. If you are a past Bible Study participant-you know how much fun it is to learn together. If you are interested, we’d love to have you join us on Tuesday mornings. We meet in the WCC Narthex. Come at 9:45 am for coffee (and occasional treats). Our study begins at 10:00 am. Books have arrived and will be available in the church office and at our meetings for $10 each. Friends are always welcome!