Our talented members are also very active volunteers who help lead our church with a wide array of ministries. They include:
2024 Officers
Chairperson: Rob Thomas
Vice-Chairperson: Cam Johnson
Secretary: Joan Wallgren
Treasurer: Roger Schmitt
Financial Secretary: Bill Milbratz
Board of Trustees:
Oversees the organizational governance of our church. Trustees ensure we operate ethically, show fiscal responsibility, and remain true to our mission and values. Also oversee the church pledges, tithes and offerings, and maintain Winnetka Covenant’s property and facilities.
Steve Kanda, Chair
Denise Johnson, Steve Kanda, Luke Knotts, Bill Milbratz, Peter A. Nelson, Peter C. Nelson, Susan Schmitt, Roger Schmitt.
Board of Deacons:
Helps the pastoral staff with the spiritual nurture and care of our members. This includes serving communion; interviewing, recommending and welcoming new members; making sure members are informed about major church events; hosting and providing refreshments for special services like funerals and memorials; visiting shut-ins; and organizing card, flower and church greeter ministries.
Kurt Kovacic and Jane Rivi, Co-Chairs
Gary Isaacson, Sandi Hotchkiss, Terese Hunt, Joan Johnson, Ruth Johnson, Mary Rhodes.
Board of Christian Formation:
Supports the pastoral staff in planning adult and children’s Sunday school, as well as other educational opportunities that encourage Christian growth.
Anne Bassett and Mike Magnusson, Co-Chairs
Kari Lindahl, Judi Geake, Misse Kaat, Jen Christiansen, Lynnea Miller, Melissa Nelson, Gwyn Johnson, Annabelle Fogel, Katie Kanda, Tresor Moolo.
Missions Committee:
Allocates financial support to a dozen local, national and international missions, and also supports 19 missionaries who serve on five continents.
Julie Hextell-Ryan, Linnea Johnson, Laura Werling, Rich Goodwin.
Community Engagement:
Creates opportunities to connect Winnetka Covenant with our local community. Encourages members to invite and welcome newcomers, and find ways to share our faith with our surrounding neighbors.
Meg Madvig, Dave Johnson, Linda Kusel, Bonnie Hawkinson, Jed Bassett, Kass Anderson.
Nominating Committee:
Prepares a slate of candidates each year who will serve in areas of their giftedness and interests to help lead and support our church boards and committees.
Inger Eiesland-Schultz, Kim Steiner, Brian Madvig, Mary Beth Kovacic, Kelly Quackenbush, Colette Quackenbush.
Stewardship Committee:
Encourages and promotes good stewardship in the congregation, especially through annual pledge drive and planned giving programs.
Cam Johnson, John Wallgren.
Personnel Committee:
Facilitates and develops effective relations between pastors, staff, and congregation.
Carl Balsam, Andrea Johnson, Jane Westerfield, Nadia Jimenez.
Mutual Ministry Committee:
Provides support and feedback to the pastors through regular gatherings for listening and encouragement.
Barb Balsam, Chris Christenson, Mollie Sudhoff.