Music Ministry

Adult Choir
Our choir is first-rate, and showcases Winnetka Covenant’s strong musical community. Led by Tom Tropp, the choir performs both traditional and contemporary songs spanning classical pieces from Mozart, Bach, and Beethoven, as well as modern classics, spirituals, and gospel songs. Our choir includes about 20-30 voices, and is open to anyone who wishes to share their singing gift during Sunday morning worship from September through early June. Rehearsals are on Wednesday nights from 7 - 8:30 pm.
Children's Music
Each Wednesday night from 6 to 6:30 pm, kids from age 4 through 4th grade get skilled instruction in singing and instruments. Lessons focus on note-reading, rhythms, and how to sing in multiple parts. Each year, children showcase what they’ve learned in a Christmas concert, as well as occasionally singing during the Sunday morning worship service throughout the year.
Sunday Morning Kids' Wor-SHIP
Each Sunday at 10:45 am (while their parents worship in the sanctuary) children gather in the upstairs Wor-SHIP room for Bible lessons and opportunities to play Orff instruments like percussion, autoharps, recorders, ukuleles and guitars to enhance their worship experience. Kids who play other musical instruments are welcome to bring them, too. Each session concludes with a benediction played on hand chimes.
Hand Bells
Directed by Linda Johnson, a band/music teacher for 35 years, the Bell Choir rehearses Wednesday nights at 6:15 pm in the choir room. Participation, Linda says, requires two key skills: “You need to count to four, and know your alphabet up to G!” The choir performs several times each year during Sunday morning worship. A highlight, Linda says, is getting to work with a great group of people, and the beautiful instruments owned by the church. “The bells provide such a unique sound,” she says. “They’re very soothing and restful, and they add a wonderful variety to worship.”
Our Church Organ
“Praise Him with strings and pipe…Let everything that breathes praise the Lord” (Psalm 150). Sunday mornings resonate with the deep, rich sounds of our Wicks organ, originally installed in 1973, and enhanced in 2012 by Erickson, Christian and Associates. Our organ features 37 speaking stops, including 4 digital stops, totaling 1,695 pipes and 149 digital notes.