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Making New Rituals


In normal times, I love to write. And one of the ways I get to do that most often is through weekly prayers. Whether they are short invocations to begin our worship service, or longer prayers of the people to cover all our joys, sorrows, confession and more…I like the challenge of writing these. Of finding the right words to try and sum up where we are as a community, what we’re facing, what we’re celebrating.

But these are not normal times – and I find myself struggling to write.

I have started looking elsewhere, poring through my worship books and prayer books and even poetry books, to see if anyone has been able to put words to this moment. If any of the old, familiar texts offer the right language for us to pray.

And I am realizing that a lot of it just doesn’t fit. It makes sense; these are unprecedented times, after all – but I still want something.

An author whom I love and respect, Kate Bowler (you may know her from this book), has been stepping into that void lately, creating new rituals of prayer on Instagram.

Every few days, she shares a snapshot of a brief, handwritten prayer, and then offers a space in the comments for people to share their own petitions – most often these days, they are sharing the names of loved ones lost to COVID-19.

Just a few days ago, she shared these words:

“Holy Spirit, move in us so that we can recognize truth that transcends politics, logic that sorts through rhetoric. Above all, help us be kind (and hilariously courageous).”

This little series of prayers, and comments, has reminded me that perhaps what I am missing the most is prayer with, and not just for, others.

So I want to take a page out of her book (or a post out of her Insta), and try this at home. Share with us in the comments what YOU are praying for these days, and let us join our hearts as one.

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